The Gift of Kindness

Day 144: The Gift of Kindness

“Kindness is the greatest gift we can give to one another.” -Tom’s Shoes

Being kind to ourselves and to others is free, and it is also a choice. Everyday and every moment, we can choose to be kind, but in order to really be open to receive kindness, we must first believe we are worthy of receiving kindness. Once we believe and know we are worth it, love and kindness will flow from within and will no longer need to be a choice, it will just be.

I wish everyone the ability to see their worth and to spread that self-love through an abundance of kindness.

With Love and Kindness,

Jennifer Palazzo

Photo Courtesy of and The Very Kind Davor Fanton

A Table of Kindness

Day 143: A Table of Kindness

I received a wonderful compliment from the mother of one of my yoga students. She shared with me how her daughter loved that it wasn’t just a yoga class, but more, that it was a place where she could share and “talk about stuff.” The mother also shared that whatever we spoke about in class, later turned into a family discussion at the dinner table.

(At the beginning of every class, I gather my students in a circle and we share. Each student receives a turn while everyone else gives their full attention. Sometimes I have a preset theme or subject and other times I simply check in and asked how they are each feeling.)

The compliment got me thinking about two things. One, that I could do the same thing every night at my dinner table with my family, and two, how amazing it is that a circle of sharing at a yoga class could then influence and affect an entire family. It is rare, especially as we get older, that there is a place to go and check in to share our feelings. Perhaps all families, all classes, and all work environments should start the day with circle time or end the day at a table where kind listening and sharing take place in a loving and supportive way.

Start your own table or circle of kindness. Try doing it every morning to start the day or at the end of the day around the dinner table. You might just be surprised at what comes out of your children. And if you do not have children, try it with your partner or roommates.

With Love and Kindness,

Jennifer Palazzo

Photo Courtesy of and The Very Kind Space Cadett

Kind Karma

Day 142: Kind Karma

“The love we give away is the only love we keep.” Elbert Hubbard

In other words, we get what we give. Whatever energy, kindness, quality and time we give, we will receive in return. I have a hunch that this applies to the thoughts we think as well. If we have a head full of negative thoughts, how can we be fully present in our kindness? I have to admit, I still catch a negative thought here or there, but rather than berate myself for falling back into old patterns, I simply think a positive thought. Most of the time that works, unless of course it is a deeper pattern, and in that case I give myself time to explore the thought and the space and time to heal.

By having kind thoughts, we will create kind beliefs about ourselves and others. Kind beliefs will soon shape our world and a kindness will shine out and touch those around us. That is Kind Karma.

With Love and Kindness,

Jennifer Palazzo

Photo Courtesy of and The Very Frisee Max

Kindness is Everything

Day 141: Kindness is Everything

“Kindness, I discovered, is everything in life.” -Isaac Bashevis Singer

There is nothing more to add. I too have discovered that kindness is everything in life.


Photo Courtesy of and The Very Kind Jin Neoh

Tears of Kindness

Day 139: Tears of Kindness

“…you know that a good, long session of weeping can often make you feel better, even if your circumstances have not changed one bit.” – Lemony Snicket

It is amazing how clear, refreshed, and cleansed I feel after a really good cry. It still surprises me, when I actually allow my feelings to come out rather than resist them, how much lighter I feel. I awaken the next morning and feel joy in every part of my life.

I have spent a majority of my life resisting, avoiding, or denying my true feelings. I learned this unhealthy habit as a child. There just wasn’t much room for my feelings at home, school, on the playground or in church. It wasn’t something my generation did. In fact, outside of catholic school retreats, there were very few places where someone took the time to ask me how I felt. Most of the time I was told that there was no time for my hurt feelings or my happy feelings or whatever feelings I might have been having.

This also serves as a reminder to ask my children how they feel more often, and to actually give them the attention, space, and time to have their feelings felt, heard, and understood. Just imagine a world that is full of people that feel heard and understood. That is the type of world that I would like to create and live in.

Remember to show kindness and compassion to yourself, others, strangers, and our beautiful planet, by allowing full expression of feelings. Whether that be in the form of tears, laughter, joy, sorrow, anger or any of the other feelings you may be having.

With Kindness,

Jennifer Palazzo

Photo Courtesy of and The Very Kind Tatjana Ch

Harmonious Kindness

Day 138: Harmonious Kindness

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” – Buddha

The amazing Louise Hay, author of several books, including You Can Heal Your Life, speaks at length about the power of affirmations. One of her regular affirmations is that all of her relationships are harmonious. She especially applies this affirmation to people she works with, landlords and any person others have deemed difficult. She has even used a version of this affirmation with people in her life that she had past turmoil with. In each relationship that she affirmed to be harmonious, she soon found to be harmonious. I have been putting a version of her affirmation to test and I have to say, it works. I have written, said aloud and even meditated that certain relationships are harmonious and healthy and sure enough they have proved to be or are shifting that direction. I now have added that all of my relationships, and any new people I meet, are harmonious and healthy. It is amazing what a positive attitude and a regular kind affirmation can create. What we think, we certainly become.

With Kindness,

Jennifer Palazzo


Kindly Try Something New

Day 135: Kindly Try Something New:

“If you want something you’ve never had, then you’ve got to do something you never done.”

“All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Don’t be afraid of change, because it is leading you to a new beginning.” – Joyce Meyers

When you try something for the first time such as a new sport, cooking a new recipe, starting a new job or taking up a new hobby, do you encourage yourself to try and keep at it, or do you expect to already be an expert and belittle yourself if you fall short of your imagined high standards and expectations? If you fall in to the latter group it might be time to learn how to kindly treat yourself when you try something new. Learn to laugh at yourself and find humor in your mistakes. Remember life can be fun and doesn’t have to be so serious. It is also important to encourage yourself just as you would a young child. When we experiment and dare to try something new, it is not only brave, but the exact thing that makes life fun and interesting.

Remember to encourage yourself, and nurture your new beginnings through kind self talk and lots of humor.

With Kindness,


 Photo Courtesy of and The Very Kind Luiz Baltar

Kindness in a Cuddle

Day 134: Kindness in a Cuddle

“Cuddling literally kills depression, relieves anxiety and strengthens the immune system.” – Unknown

I have no idea if that quote is based on scientific studies and data or just made up, but I do not really care, it completely makes sense to me. Who doesn’t feel better, more loved, recharged and content after a good cuddling session? We all need the same things in life and we certainly need to feel good and loved in order to be kind and spread that kind feeling to others.

Lucky for me that my children still like to watch a movie and cuddle or read a book and cuddle, because after a very long week of work and life, that is exactly what I needed. Whether we cuddle with our children, spouse, friend, parent or beloved animal, harness that love and turn it inward so that you can feel love and turn that into kindness for yourself and all others.

With Kindness,


Photo Courtesy of and The Very Kind Joe Batluck

Kind Quotes

Day 131: Kind Quotes

“Every act of kindness grows the spirt and strengthens the soul.” – Unknown

“Do all things with kindness. – Unknown

“Everyone understands kindness.” – Unknown

“The kindest form of wisdom is kindness.” – Unknown

The source of the quotes may be unknown, but what is known and understood by all is kindness. Be kind to yourself, be kind to those that you love, be kind to strangers and be kind to our planet. Everyday practice kind acts and one day, kindness will become your life.

With Love and Kindness,


Be Kind

Day 126: Be Kind

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” – Unknown

I adore the above mentioned quote. We certainly can be anything we desire. If we put our mind to being kind, then that is what will come forth. Of course it begins with thinking kind thoughts and having kind beliefs about ourselves. Once we have a daily practice of loving ourselves with gentleness, understanding and kindness, we can easily be kind to all others. It just takes practice, dedication, and some forgiveness when we fall short of our self imposed standards.

We get one life, make it a kind one.

With Kindness,

Jennifer Palazzo