The Kind Truth

Day 145: The Kind Truth

I’m torn between being completely transparent and keeping up a front. The truth is, I love writing this blog. I set out to write a post every day for 365 days, starting on World Kindness Day back on November 13th, as a way to record my discovery, practice and creation of kindness in my life. Over the last several months a lot has changed in my life. I have made tremendous progress on my journey to find, create, and live in kindness.  I have also gone from having a few hours a day to write, while balancing raising the kids and teaching yoga to working full time as an email marketer. I have been trying to squeeze the writing in after an 8-9 hour day plus 2 hours of commuting and all the other things that go along with raising a family, such as helping with homework, sports carpools, dinner, shopping and the list goes on and on. Here I am writing at 10pm at night, when I should be sleeping because I have to be up at 5 to be in the office for a 7:30 meeting. God, it sounds like I am complaining. I’m not, I actually love my new job, love my family, love writing, but really miss swimming, going to the gym, hanging out with the kids. I guess my point in sharing this, is that it is honest and it is where I am. It also is a way to prepare myself and perhaps give myself the permission to let go of my daily blog writing. I would hate for one of the things I love to become something I dread or resent, but there are some nights, i’d just rather go to sleep. I am human, I am not a supermom or a superwoman, but I do strive to be a kind one. Kindwoman, that is who I am and right now the kindest thing I can do is to at least give myself the permission to let go if need be.

To be continued…

With Kindness,


Photo Courtesy of and The Very Kind Jocilyn Pope

The Gift of Kindness

Day 144: The Gift of Kindness

“Kindness is the greatest gift we can give to one another.” -Tom’s Shoes

Being kind to ourselves and to others is free, and it is also a choice. Everyday and every moment, we can choose to be kind, but in order to really be open to receive kindness, we must first believe we are worthy of receiving kindness. Once we believe and know we are worth it, love and kindness will flow from within and will no longer need to be a choice, it will just be.

I wish everyone the ability to see their worth and to spread that self-love through an abundance of kindness.

With Love and Kindness,

Jennifer Palazzo

Photo Courtesy of and The Very Kind Davor Fanton

A Table of Kindness

Day 143: A Table of Kindness

I received a wonderful compliment from the mother of one of my yoga students. She shared with me how her daughter loved that it wasn’t just a yoga class, but more, that it was a place where she could share and “talk about stuff.” The mother also shared that whatever we spoke about in class, later turned into a family discussion at the dinner table.

(At the beginning of every class, I gather my students in a circle and we share. Each student receives a turn while everyone else gives their full attention. Sometimes I have a preset theme or subject and other times I simply check in and asked how they are each feeling.)

The compliment got me thinking about two things. One, that I could do the same thing every night at my dinner table with my family, and two, how amazing it is that a circle of sharing at a yoga class could then influence and affect an entire family. It is rare, especially as we get older, that there is a place to go and check in to share our feelings. Perhaps all families, all classes, and all work environments should start the day with circle time or end the day at a table where kind listening and sharing take place in a loving and supportive way.

Start your own table or circle of kindness. Try doing it every morning to start the day or at the end of the day around the dinner table. You might just be surprised at what comes out of your children. And if you do not have children, try it with your partner or roommates.

With Love and Kindness,

Jennifer Palazzo

Photo Courtesy of and The Very Kind Space Cadett

Kind Karma

Day 142: Kind Karma

“The love we give away is the only love we keep.” Elbert Hubbard

In other words, we get what we give. Whatever energy, kindness, quality and time we give, we will receive in return. I have a hunch that this applies to the thoughts we think as well. If we have a head full of negative thoughts, how can we be fully present in our kindness? I have to admit, I still catch a negative thought here or there, but rather than berate myself for falling back into old patterns, I simply think a positive thought. Most of the time that works, unless of course it is a deeper pattern, and in that case I give myself time to explore the thought and the space and time to heal.

By having kind thoughts, we will create kind beliefs about ourselves and others. Kind beliefs will soon shape our world and a kindness will shine out and touch those around us. That is Kind Karma.

With Love and Kindness,

Jennifer Palazzo

Photo Courtesy of and The Very Frisee Max

Kindness is Everything

Day 141: Kindness is Everything

“Kindness, I discovered, is everything in life.” -Isaac Bashevis Singer

There is nothing more to add. I too have discovered that kindness is everything in life.


Photo Courtesy of and The Very Kind Jin Neoh