Beautiful Kindness

Day 95: Beautiful Kindness

“The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express.” – Francis Bacon

Is it possible to find beauty in everything we do? Can we find the beauty in all people, all beings, all things and all situations? Absolutely! However, we must first find the beauty within. We need to fall in love with ourselves, approve of every part of ourselves; perceived flaws, mistakes, regrets and every fiber of our being and history. In order to do this, we have to change the way we see ourselves and be full of never-ending forgiveness. We are human, imperfect, but loving, kind, incredible and magnificent. We are beauty. We are beautiful and imperfectly perfect beings.

Today, try to find the beauty inside of you. Try to view yourself as a small baby that has just been born. If you are a parent, this visualization will be easy. Remember how every part of your baby is perfection: the skin, the eyes, the toes and fingers. Try to think of yourself as this perfect child, happy, warm, cared for and loved. Carry yourself out into the world knowing that you are taken care of, loved, and cherished. Believe and know that there is and endless supply of love, kindness, and beauty from within. If you can feel this remember it, and practice it, then beauty will be found everywhere and with every person.

Be kind, find the beauty, and love openly and freely.

Jennifer Palazzo

Photo Courtesy of and The Very Kind Michael Goins

Perfectly Kind

Day 89: Perfectly Kind

“Today I affirm that there is nothing in me but love. This love comes from total acceptance of myself and the understanding that I am a perfectly imperfect human being.” – Jackson Kiddard

What if I told you that in this very moment you are perfect, would you believe me?

You are perfect even with your perceived imperfections.

I’m not quite sure why it is so difficult for most people, myself included, to believe that they are perfectly made, perfect in this moment, even with their flaws, mistakes, regrets and perceived imperfections. How can we change? What can we do so that we believe we are perfectly made, perfectly kind, perfectly loved, just as we are?

I teach a tween yoga class, and the other day I introduced ahimsa to the class. Ahimsa can be translated as nonviolence in thoughts, words and actions. I like to think of ahimsa as kindness; kindness in thoughts, words and actions. I shared with the children how even our own thoughts can be “violent” towards others and ourselves. I received many curious and confused expressions. So I asked them to close their eyes and listen to the little voice inside their head. I asked them to think about that voice and to pay attention to whether it was kind or mean. After a few minutes, I asked them to open their eyes and to tell me one thing they could say to themselves that was kind and loving and one thing they could say to another. Most of the group had no problem sharing what they could say to another, but when it came to self talk, almost every single child drew a blank. One girl finally understood and was willing to be honest and vulnerable to the group. She shared that she could tell herself that she was good enough just as she is. It was brilliant!

With so many messages and images reinforcing the fact that we are not enough, that we are not perfect just as we are, we must tell ourselves and those around us that they are in fact perfect in this moment. Perfectly human, perfect beautiful beings with love, kindness and vibrancy. By embracing ourselves, we will be able to live ahimsa, to live in kindness.

Jennifer Palazzo

Photo Courtesy of Photo Courtesy of

Inner Kindness

Day 68: Inner Kindness

“When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.” – The Dalai Lama

It is easy to show our love and kindness towards others when we have a strong feeling of love for that person. It is not always easy, however, to show love and kindness when we are angry, upset, hurt or frustrated with ourselves or with another person. When this happens, how or where can we find the love and kindness to create and develop that inner peace and happiness? The answer lies deep within and becomes a choice of forgiveness, acceptance and understanding. Forgiveness towards ourselves or the other person, acceptance of the present moment and the understanding that we are all the same. We are all human beings looking for the same inner happiness and peace.

Kindness to Self, Others, Strangers & Our Planet:

Where can you look to find that inner happiness and peace? What can you do today to feel that you are loved and cared for? Look within. Treat yourself with love, kindness and encouragement and know that you are always cared for.

When we love ourselves, kindness and kind acts will flow like a river to Others, to Strangers and to our Planet.

Jennifer Palazzo

Photo Courtesy of and The Very Kind Dawson Toth